Proxy checker: checking proxy server online

This proxy server testing tool allows you to check their performance, as well as their type, supported protocols, ISPs, and location.

Paste the proxy in the following format:

IP:PORT (for public proxies) USERNAME:PASSWORD@IP:PORT (for proxies that require authentication)

Bulk proxy checker Proxy Checker is an online tool for checking and analyzing up to 500 proxy servers, supporting various types of proxies, including HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5.

Key features. Multi-protocol support: Can work with different proxy protocols. Multi-threaded scanning: you can simultaneously check several proxy servers. Anonymity and performance analysis: evaluates the level of anonymity, connection speed and reliability. Geolocation and Provider Information: Provides geolocation and provider information obtained from the RIPE database. User-friendly interface: supports various formats for entering proxy data.

Downloadable reports: Provides results in accessible formats. Instant results and advanced filtering: The filtering feature displays results in real time. API integration (under development). This feature is under development and will be available soon. This tool is designed for those who need a simple and effective way to check proxy servers.

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Proxy checker is special software that is used to check proxy servers for their functionality and anonymity.

Proxy servers allow you to hide the user’s real IP address and ensure anonymity while surfing the Internet. However, not all proxy servers are equally reliable, and many of them may be blocked or may not provide the required level of anonymity.

Proxy checker allows you to automate the process of checking proxy servers for various parameters. The main functions of proxy checker include checking server availability, speed and anonymity. The program analyzes the data received from the proxy server and generates a report that allows you to evaluate the quality and reliability of the server.

One of the main verification criteria is the speed of the proxy server. Fast connection speeds will allow users to load web pages, download files, and use other online services faster. Proxy checker allows you to determine the optimal server with the best connection speed.

The second important criterion is anonymity. A proxy server ensures the user's anonymity on the network by hiding his real IP address. However, some servers may transmit information about the user's real IP address, violating his anonymity. Proxy checker helps determine how securely the user's real IP address is hidden and whether the proxy server provides the required level of anonymity.

The third criterion is server availability. Not all proxy servers may be stable and always available. Proxy checker helps you exclude unavailable servers from the list of possible options and select only those that work properly.

Using a proxy checker significantly simplifies and speeds up the process of choosing a suitable proxy server. This is especially useful for users who frequently surf the Internet using proxy servers. When used correctly, a proxy checker can ensure security and anonymity on the network, as well as speed up access to web resources.

Thus, proxy checker is an important tool for checking and selecting the most reliable and fastest proxy servers. Choosing the right server using a proxy checker ensures security and anonymity on the network, and also allows you to get maximum connection speed when working on the Internet.

Comparison proxy table
Server proxies ProxyElite.Biz HTTP HTTPS SOCKS4 SOCKS5
Anonymity Partially Partially Complete Complete
The speed of the proxy Before 100 Mb/s Before 100 Mb/s Before 100 Mb/s Before 100 Mb/s
Ports proxies 8080/8085 8080/8085 1080/1085 1080/1085
Work without authorization Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unlimited traffic Yes Yes Yes Yes
Work with the HTTPS-sites No Yes Yes Yes
Stream restriction No No No No
Class subnets (C) In the buffer 250 250 250 250